Wonderful life in Australia


Deep Canvassing

For me deep canvassing is one of the most important tools that you can use in speech writing. Deep canvassing is when you try to create a connection and share values with each other and bring those people to your side. This technique is the opposite to what many people use when they try to convince people because usually they try to state what they believe.


How to use deep canvassing.


Firstly you just chat to the person you are trying to convince. Once you've got them to chat to you, you search for any paralells with their story and your own life and once you've found those paralells you can tell them that you have experienced that.  The whole point we do this is so that you can have a meaningful human connection and use shared values to connect with people.

If you want to make a stronger connection, or you want to find paralells with the other person you can always ask questions like;  How did you feel about that ? or  Tell me more about that. The reason you would use these questions are because they make the  other person talk more about themselves, in other words they allow you to dig deep into their story.

I hope this helped you in your speech writing.


Today I learnt on stickiness, and I have decided to share it with you. Now usually proteins are substances that make objects adhere, while there are sometimes synthetic materials used instead of these natural proteins.

What makes objects stick ?

When materials are stuck together by glue, they create adhesive 'bridges' between the materials and if you were to separate them you would have to rip apart these materials. That is why it is far more easier to rip the paper rather than to open it at the glued flaps.   Another reason that makes object stick are the abilty to expand into tiny indents on surfaces. For example, if you were to cook eggs they would stick to the frypan because the egg white expands into the small 'holes' in the frypan making it stick. On the other hand when you use oil, the oil fills in the small 'holes' so the egg white can't expand into the frypan. An intresting fact is that pretty much every thing is adhesive, if you were two place two pure pieces of copper in a vaccum, they won't slide but instead stick together and slowly become, one big chunk of copper.

Sticky to others, but not to me.

Spiders spin their web in intricate shapes and design, and at the end they place little adhesive droplets on their webs to catch their prey. Many scientist are intrigued by how the spiders don't get stuck on the adhesive droplets themselves and scientists have brocken up in to two main hypotheses. The first one is that spiders step between the droplets, while the second one is that spiders have a oily substance that coat their feet so that they don't get stuck by their droplets. Personally, I agree with the second hypothesis because there could be a chance that the spiders accidentally step in the droplets then they won't be able to escape, plus animals aren't perfectt so there is definently a chance of a miss.




Would You Rather

In a game of, Would You Rather, you are asked to choose one option. Some of these steps can be, 

  1. Choose your favourite option.
  2. Consider what other people that have an opposite opinion may say.
  3. Include that opinion and counter that idea when you give your explanation.

An example can be, Would you rather a personal maid or a personal chef ? Now lets answer this example using the steps provided.

Would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef ? Now in this example it is asking if you want a personal maid or a personal chef. To answer this example you will choose one of the options then explain why. I chose the personal chef so I will explain why. My explanation may be, I chose personal chef because I can clean around the house but I can not cook high quality food like those serving at restraunts. While on the other hand people who chose personal maid may say I chose personal maid because I hate cleaning while I can easily cook my own food.

Lets reuse the skills with another example.

Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to talk any langauge in the world ? Lets try this with the steps I gave. Firstly I choose the option that I like which for me is, to be able to talk any language in the world. Then I will think about what people opposing me would say which could be, they want to talk to animals because they want to understand them. Next we will give an explanation which could be, I decided to be able to talk any language in the world because I think I will benefit more because I travel a lot so it will help me talk to the locals in their own language while talking to animals gives me no benefit because I have no intrest in what they say. While people who chose to talk with animals may say, I wanted to talk to animals because I want to know what my pets say because there are many times when I don't get what my pet wants while if I wanted I can try really hard and learn other languages.

Lets try this one more time.

Would you rather be able to fly or be able to teleport ? You will choose your favourite option, in my case is to be able to teleport, then you will give your explanation which for me is, I would rather be able to teleport because in the question it doesn't specify the rate I can teleport so I can interpret that if I wanted I can teleport to other planets and dimensions which isn't possible to do if I were to fly, but people who want to fly may say, I want to fly because you look at things from above in the sky while people who wants to teleport can't do that and if they were to teleport in to the sky they will die because they will fall straight down to the ground.

Thoughts on my English Class

Yesterday I took another english class and I would like to tell my thoughts about it. When everybody in the clas joined, our teacher asked everybody to introduce theirself and where they are joining the lesson from. Once we finished introducing ourselves we did a game of, Would you Rather, which is where there is two options and you choose one and tell other people why you chose that option. For the first time we did, would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef. I chose a personal chef because you can eat delicious foods that are usually served at restraunts. On the other hand, many people chose personal maid because they don't have to clean up and because they can cook.


After that we talked about essays and what they are. All of us said pretty much the same thing, that essays are your personal ideas and that they are generally formal. Then we looked at a scene of ' The Improtance of Being Earnest ' and made a prompts. The propmt that I made from the scene was, The Importance of Being Earnest states that romance is about uncertatinty. Then once we finished our task we did another, Would you Rather on whether be able to talk any human language or be able to talk with animals. I decided to choose the first option because in my opinion you would have more of a benefit because if you were to travel to a different country you can talk with them without any difficulty. While other people wanted to be able to talk with animals because you can't understand what they say.


Next we did a Would you Rather that I made which was, Would you rather fly or teleport? Many people chose to be able to fly because they thought you can pretty much teleport because you can fly to any where and look at things in a different perspective, But I chose to be able to teleport. I chose to be able to teleport because if you can teleport you can go to other planets and other dimensions because I never specified any limits.

Type of Sentence Structure/Sentences

I will go through the sentence structure and sentence types.

Sentence Structure

There are four sentence structures and they are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences and compound complex sentences.

  • Simple Sentences: Simple are sentences that include a subject and a verb. An example of this sentence may be, I like candies.
  • Compound Sentence: Compound sentences are when you make a sentence by adding a coordinating conjunction to a simple sentence. You can change the sentence into, I like candies but I hate it when it is oversweet.
  •  Complex Sentences: Complex sentences are when you add a subordinating conjunction to a simple sentence. For example you can change the simple sentence to, I like candies because they are sweet.
  • Compound Complex Sentences: Compond complex sentences are sentence that have both the rule for compound and complex sentences. You do not need to worry about which order the rules come in. An example of this may be, I like candies because they are sweet but I hate it when they are oversweet.

Sentence Types

There are four sentence types. They are inteerogative, exclamatory, declarative and imperative sentences.

  • Interrogative Sentences: Interrogative sentences are sentences that ask questions. An example of this sentence can be, Can you buy me shoes?
  • Exclamatory Sentences: Exclamatory sentences are word exclaim something an woud inculde a exclamation mark. A sentence could be, What did I just See !
  • Declarative Sentences: Declarative sentences are sentences that states something you can also call declarative sentences as statements. For example, I like cats.
  • Impaerative Sentences: Imperative sentences are sentences that tell people to do actions. These sentences usually start with verbs. An example can be, Go and Get me water !







Parts of Speech

I will go through the nine parts of speech or classes depending on where you live. I will go through all the parts of speech.

  1. Nouns: Nouns are word that can state both objects and organisms at the most broadest levels. Examples of nouns include: pen, pencil, chicken and cow.
  2.  Adjectives: Adjectives are words that describe the noun they can be colours, scents, size and shape. Some adjectives can be red, smelly, large and triangular. 
  3. Verbs: Verbs are words that tell an action that is happening these examples of these words will be, running, swimming and sleeping.
  4. Adverbs: Adverbs are words that describe the verb they generally explain the speed of verbs. For examples, quickly, slowly and swiftly.
  5. Articles: Articles are words that come before nouns to show how specific something is. They can be words like the, as and is.
  6. Prepositions: Prepositions are words that tell the position of a noun, for example on, under or above.
  7. Pronouns: Pronouns are words that replace nouns so that you don't have to continually repeat it. These words can include it, they, she and he.
  8. Conjunctions: Conjunctions are words that link or connect to parts together. Examples of conjunctions are, and, but or so.
  9. Interjection: Interjection means to cut or interupt something or someone doing an action. The second meaning is o say a sound or word but with emotion for example, ow or ouch.

I hope you understood more deeply about each of these classes.


Thoughts on Today's english Lesson

Today I took part in a trial english lesson and I have decided to share what I have learnt today. Firstly, I started listing all the parts of speech or in other words, classes. I had some difficulty with finding the last part of speech out of the nine which was interjections. For those who couldn't recall what they were like me, they are words that state sound including some emotions. Next I stated the two types of conjunctions which didn't come to mind as quickly as they should've. I practiced these two types of conjunctions with these two example sentences. Sentences that use coordinating conjunctions would be like Jake likes pizza and Jason like candies, while sentences that use suborinating conjunctions would be like, I will not go to school because I am sick.


Secondly I recalled all my sentence structures which I recalled with ease then after that we looked at the type of sentences, for example interrogative, exclamatory, declarative and imperative sentences.  For those who are reading this you maybe wondering what a interrogative sentence is but it really is just a sentence that asks a question and a imperative sentence is a sentence that is a command and usually starts with a verb.


Lastly, for today we listened to Leonardo Dicaprio's on climate change. We went over the key points such as using statistics, listing and using the rule of three. The rule of three is where you repeat a key word three times with different words that follow it. The example  that my tutor gave was from when a part of a speech Obama made which was, We believe in a generous America, a compassionate America, in a tolerant America.


I hope you found something you didn't know like I definently did through out the day. I also hope you loved my blog for today, thank you for reading.