Wonderful life in Australia


Thoughts on my English Class

Yesterday I took another english class and I would like to tell my thoughts about it. When everybody in the clas joined, our teacher asked everybody to introduce theirself and where they are joining the lesson from. Once we finished introducing ourselves we did a game of, Would you Rather, which is where there is two options and you choose one and tell other people why you chose that option. For the first time we did, would you rather have a personal maid or a personal chef. I chose a personal chef because you can eat delicious foods that are usually served at restraunts. On the other hand, many people chose personal maid because they don't have to clean up and because they can cook.


After that we talked about essays and what they are. All of us said pretty much the same thing, that essays are your personal ideas and that they are generally formal. Then we looked at a scene of ' The Improtance of Being Earnest ' and made a prompts. The propmt that I made from the scene was, The Importance of Being Earnest states that romance is about uncertatinty. Then once we finished our task we did another, Would you Rather on whether be able to talk any human language or be able to talk with animals. I decided to choose the first option because in my opinion you would have more of a benefit because if you were to travel to a different country you can talk with them without any difficulty. While other people wanted to be able to talk with animals because you can't understand what they say.


Next we did a Would you Rather that I made which was, Would you rather fly or teleport? Many people chose to be able to fly because they thought you can pretty much teleport because you can fly to any where and look at things in a different perspective, But I chose to be able to teleport. I chose to be able to teleport because if you can teleport you can go to other planets and other dimensions because I never specified any limits.